Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To ensure that our current progress monitoring tool (I-Station) provides accurate and reliable information to determine which students may be in need of reading intervention.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Data Collection
Pull data from I-Station by running reports broken down by grade level and individual teacher.  Review standardized test reports (ITBS 1st and 2nd) (STAAR 3rd).  At this time, I will also select my sample classes to be used in the research process. I will choose 3 teachers/classes per grade level for a total sample of around 200 students ranging from 1st to 3rd grade.
Lisa Svoboda
Start:  May 2013
End:  June 2013
*I-Station reports
*ITBS reports
*AEIS report
In May, when final testing reports have been received, all of this data will be collected.  Final test reports from I-Station, ITBS, and the AEIS reports will be used.
Data Review
Review information on a student by student basis.  Create graphs for 3 teachers per grade level (1st, 2nd, 3rd) comparing and reporting student achievement/placement per I-Station report and student achievement/placement per standardized test reports.
Lisa Svoboda
Start:  June 2013
End:  August 2013
*Previously collected reports
Throughout the summer I will analyze the data, looking for rules and exceptions or as Dana (2009) refers to them “patterns and negative cases.”
Analyze Testing Variances
Conduct teacher and student interviews to determine if any variances exist in how the progress monitoring tool, I-Station, is administered.  I also want to conduct research on testing variances to help me ensure that I am considering all possible variables.
Lisa Svoboda
Start:  September, 2013
End:  October, 2013
*Teachers willing to be interviewed regarding testing procedures
*If necessary, students to interview regarding testing procedures
*Research information regarding testing variances
I will ask teachers about procedures they use when using I-Station to determine if variances exist and how they may affect end results.
Preparation of Final Reports and Write-Ups
Present the data gathered including the answers to the following sub-questions:
1. Is the evaluation data on the final I-Station report reflective of the final testing data per the ITBS and AEIS reports?
2. Does there appear to be significant differences with respect to the way teachers implement the I-Station testing?
3. Do teachers and students attitudes toward I-Station and standardized testing appear to be playing a role in the final scores?
Presentation of data will include a final write up and/or a presentation to the faculty which may involve information on how we should standardize our progress monitoring assessment.
Lisa Svoboda
Start:  October, 2013
End:  December, 2013
*Data gathered in Steps 1, 2, and 3
By answering these sub-questions, I will be able to answer my action research question as well as provide reasons describing why and how results may have occurred.


  1. Lisa, I really like the sub-steps you list in your last step. Your plan seems very detailed and it's evident you've already learned much about this topic.

  2. I think your plan is very detailed and well organized. I will be interested to see your results. We use istation as our progress monitoring tool but we couple it with DRA and grades in the classroom to determine our students for RtI. I will definitely share your findings with my colleges!

  3. I agree with Shannon, I like that your steps have sub-steps and are very detailed. I will honestly say that I am not familiar with the istep monitoring program. However, it is great that you are actually researching it to see if its data and performance is actually correct.

  4. Hi Lisa. The details show that you have really thought this out and the sub-groups it's a great idea. I like that your research is to evaluate a current tool that you all use. Too often leaders just say "oh that's not working" and get rid of it or they implement something off an idea but never know how effective / ineffective it really is. Your plan looks like you will be able to get the data you are searching for. Good luck!

  5. Lisa, I like how you stated the questions that you specifically wanted to answer. You research will be important as it affects the identification of students needing intervention. I think that the teacher is the best monitoring tool that any school has. Their feedback will be vital to your research! Good job, Lisa! I would love for you to follow me!
