Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs

I think that the use of educational blogs for educational leaders could be immense.  Immediately I think of data sharing.  How wonderful it would be to have a group of leaders who are in similar positions (for example a group of elementary school principals who have schools that are similar in size, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.) to be able to get together and post issues they have come across and how they have solved them.  The administrators could even post questions and ask others who may have come across similar issues how they approached the issue.  I think communication among educators is one of the greatest ways to learn new things.  Blogs could most definately help to facilitate these discussions and communications.


  1. Lisa, I think blogging is a great resource that educators could use. While that being said, I also think that it would require a lot of time on the part of the person posting the information on the blog. I think blogs are as good as the people who set the blogs up to begin with. My struggle of understanding is how do we as educators manage this type of technology along with the demands on our time that we already face. I am excited to see what the future holds for technology in the schools!

  2. I love the idea of administrators blogging with teachers and perhaps enhancing staff meetings by prepping this way and at the convenience of the respondents. I know kids will enjoy this aspect as well. and I believe it will/can enhance a classroom experience.

  3. Definitely agree! I believe we have all understood the use of blogs, professionally, for this course. Great explanation, short and sweet!

  4. I like the idea of administrators sharing ideas and questions. One of the best ways to improve is to ask questions...isn't that what we tell our students? We should do more of it as educators. And I can see Pam's point about the time requirement but perhaps if several people had administrative posting rights to the blog it wouldn't have to take the time of one individual person. They could as a team agree to post one day a week so the blog is constantly being monitored by someone.
